Monday, December 26, 2011
'Divide and conquer' student reading
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Learning From Bob
We will all spend stressful and sleepless nights worrying over this student. Worse, I suggest, we think to change our teaching based on his behavior...Allow me to suggest that we should not learn from this student.
As I noted in the comments to her post, I think Becko is right to point out that we spend way too much time thinking about this student -- I called him "Bob" just to give him a name -- to the detriment of other students who may not only need our help, but who may actually want (and thus be open to) that help. I'm also convinced that focusing on Bob also leads to lousy pedagogical behavior. Still, whereas Becko thinks there's nothing to be learned from Bob, I do think there are some things that we can learn from him, or at least that we can teach ourselves we unfortunately have Bob around every MWF or TuTh for sixteen weeks. I'm not saying that I've mastered the Bob Experience - I haven't, as this would require a sage-like meditative capacity that I don't possess -- but I have some basic ideas. I'll talk a bit about my own experiences with Bob below, and then mention some brief observations about what to do when Bob is (unfortunately) around.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Time to take a stand
Assessment and Students' Lack of Self-Knowledge
Sunday, December 18, 2011
CFP: Philosophy and High Schools
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Using Google for Course Management
I never used Blackboard, so I can't say how doing this compares. I used Moodle for many years, but my students reported that it was cluncky, slow to load, etc. I found it aesthetically difficult and extremely difficult to use in the sense that doing one simple action took several clicks and dialogue boxes.
Alternatively, if you are at least somewhat technically savvy, Google is aesthetically nice, easy to use, and has very simple, clear privacy settings.
Some provisos: 1) users must have a Gmail account, 2) you must use privacy settings to be compliant with copyright, FERPA, etc 3) you have to invite folks across all of the platforms you use rather than inviting folks in one simple step for all.
In the coming weeks if folks are interested I will detail exactly how I use the individual platforms, e.g., Google Docs (for syllabi, assignments, quizes, etc.) Google Groups (for discussion fora), and Google Calendar (for scheduling appointments).
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The Quotable Teacher, installment 16
— Philip Jackson,"The mimetic and the transformative: Alternatve outlooks on teaching"
The Quotable Teacher, installment 15
— Thomas Nagel, The View from Nowhere
Monday, December 12, 2011
Advice about using Audio Files of Lectures
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Learning from the Right Students
Sunday, December 4, 2011
In-Class "Warm ups" and "Cool downs"?
There are already ways that I signal that the class period is starting (and that side conversations, texting, etc. need to cease) -- such as closing the door, welcoming everyone, and posing a Question of the Day. The closest things to warmups and cooldowns that come to mind are that I sometimes have students spend 2 - 3 minutes at the beginning of class doing some sort of guided writing (e.g., "Write down three questions you have about today's readings") or, ditto, at the end of class (e.g., "Write down one question that today's discussion has raised for you", or "Write down something you'd like us to discuss in more depth next time"). It's not always clear to me whether the classes in which I do that, feature deeper engagement, by more students, than the ones in which I don't, though I think it has other benefits.
Are there other, better ways of warming up a class before getting into the hard work of the rest of the class period? Does it need to happen in the first place?
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Gamifying the Classroom
Monday, November 28, 2011
Assessing Ethics
Since so many people here teach ethics, I'm hoping that some of you have suggestions about where to look to read about best practices in ethics assessment. I'm also hoping to hear some of your thoughts on ethics assessment in general. What do you take to be the greatest current mistake in how it is typically done? If you had your druthers, how would you do it? Of course, these questions all circle around the most central and core question: what should the goal of a general education ethics course be?
Thank in advance, and looking forward to your thoughts.
On complaining and losing faith
Maryellen Weimer suggests that complaining about students is a self-fulfilling prophecy, a recipe for cynicism that undermines the faith we need to continue teaching energetically and effectively:
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
David Foster Wallace's Syllabi
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Resisting Interdisciplinarity
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
How to motivate students to seek help
But maybe not. For as the work of Stuart Karabenick and his colleagues suggest, an aversion to seeking help is, unfortunately, normal.
After all, seeking help means you're not adequate. It's a blow to your pride. And in the classroom, it means you don't get it. And what could be worse than acknowledging that you don't get it?
As some of you know, Carol Dweck is one of my favorite educational psychologists. Dweck's core insight is that learners tend to have either a mastery-oriented mindset or a fixed mindset. Those with the mastery mindset believe that learning is both possible and desirable, and hence respond positively to academic adversity. They see such adversity as an opportunity to increase or reconfigure their efforts and put success within their grasp.
Those with the fixed mindset respond to adversity by concluding that the adversity reveals their (in)ability. Since ability is fixed, the only role for adversity is to point out where you're deficient (and perhaps to guide you away from those subjects you struggle with and toward those you learn more readily).
Naturally, the former group is much more likely to seek help than the latter, so perhaps the infrequency with which students seek help is evidence of how regrettably frequent the fixed mindset is.
But Karabenick et al's research indicates that there are pedagogical approaches that can help students who need help help themselves.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Post-Secondary Assessment
Thursday, November 10, 2011
"A normal student nowadays"?
This paragraph hit me hard, as a sad truth about the situation of many students:
Imagine what it’s like to be a normal student nowadays. You did well—even very well—in high school. But you arrive at university with little experience in research and writing and little sense of what your classes have to do with your life plans. You start your first year deep in debt, with more in prospect. You work at Target or a fast-food outlet to pay for your living expenses. You live in a vast, shabby dorm or a huge, flimsy off-campus apartment complex, where your single with bath provides both privacy and isolation. And you see professors from a great distance, in space as well as culture: from the back of a vast dark auditorium, full of your peers checking Facebook on their laptops. It’s no wonder, in these circumstances, that many students never really internalize the new demands and standards of university work. Instead they drift from course to course, looking for entertainment and easy grades. Nor is it surprising that many aren’t ready when trouble comes.
Steppin' up to the mic, parts 10 and 11
First, we're happy to welcome Jennifer Morton. Jennifer is assistant professor of philosophy at City College of New York and a graduate of Stanford's Ph.D. program. Jennifer writes on action theory, moral philosophy, political philosophy, and philosophy of education. She also regularly teaches the intriguingly titled course 'The Rational Animal.'
She'll be joined by Jim Spence, assistant professor of philosophy at Adrian College. Jim received his graduate degree from Bowling Green and writes on both theoretical and applied ethics.
We're looking forward to Jennifer's and Jim's contributions.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Replacing participation points with preparation points?
- It distinguishes nicely between "good" and "bad" types of participation in the classroom. Idle banter doesn't show preparation, so it doesn't count. Socially adept students don't get points just for joining the discussion.
- It's a bit more of an incentive for actually preparing by doing the reading than just rewarding participation. And really, the whole point of rewarding participation in the first place was to encourage preparation. In fact, it might be worth ramping up participation points to 15 or 20 percent of points available in the class if the incentive turns out to work well enough.
- Students who are shy or uncomfortable talking in class can prove preparation in other ways: one-on-one, perhaps. Conversations with me in office hours would count for preparation. One could even count students who show you notes over the reading (imagine: people might take notes on the reading to get points!).
- You don't have to prove preparation in every class -- just like you wouldn't have to participate in every class -- in order to get preparation points. But if it looks like someone hasn't done the reading for quite some time, his or her grade would suffer.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
From twice per week to once per week?
I am a graduate student who has only taught courses that meet twice a week for an hour and a half. I am getting ready to teach my first course that meets once a week for three hours, and it is not an advanced seminar but an introductory class for first-year undergraduates. I am unsure how to think about changing my approach to course design in this context. How much reading should I assign for each class meeting? How do I keep things moving along and change up the class activities during the three hours so that I don't lose everyone and don't get caught in the quagmire of directionless discussion for hours on end? I'm particularly lost on reading assignments -- it's much more intuitive to me to assign bite-sized articles or chapters for classes that meet twice a week, and much less intuitive how to cover roughly the same amount of material when meeting once a week, without worrying that my students will not pace themselves and will find the workload to seem like it has doubled. I could go on, but I hope this indicates some of the questions that are floating around in my mind.Advice for our correspondent?
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Teaching students how to stand up for their values
An R1 faculty member spills some beans on teaching and learning
Like many, O'Hare laments the lack of serious, formal training for faculty about how to teach, as well as "the complete absence of a quality assurance program for teaching that anyone from industry (service or manufacturing) would recognize":
Monday, October 31, 2011
Reverse engineering gender equal participation
Here's such an outcome: In my two intro to ethics classes, 44% of the students are women. I sat down and wrote down the names of the students who, in the two sections, participate most frequently in class. I wrote down names until I reached 25% of the total enrollment. Then I looked at the gender division: Of the top quartile of students in terms of frequency of participation, 53% were women.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Help with Thought Experiments
One thing I now do to motivate thought experiments and get students to "follow the rules" is compare them to the type of experiments a physicist or chemist might do in the lab. A scientist sets up certain conditions in order to explore reality, test a hypothesis, and so on. In order to get the right data and draw sound conclusions, she will set certain boundaries and engage in particular procedures. Similarly, when we engage in thought experiments we limit options available to agents in the experiment and set up certain rules in order to clarify a concept or test a philosophical theory, even if in so doing we are not talking about something that is likely to happen in "real life".
I'm curious if others have found additional ways to deal with problems in using thought experiments in the philosophy classroom. If you have some helpful tips, please share them in the comments.
Finally, for help on teaching the content of some thought experiments, see these 60 second videos from the Open University. Perhaps a video representation will also help students respect the parameters set up by the experiment.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Pedagogical prankersterism at Smith
Smith College students held protests and counter-protests, wrote chalk slogans pro and con on campus walkways, and heaped personal criticism on the manager of dining services over rumors that the school was going vegetarian and would start buying only local produce.
No meat? No coffee?
It turns out it was all a hoax.
Two professors at the prestigious women's college in Northampton cooked up the prank as part of their introductory class in logic.
Nice hoax, of course.
But as reader Matt Pianalto points out, it's not obvious what the pedagogical value of a hoax like this is.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Teaching Writing
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Finkish FIDeLity feedback
The Quotable Teacher, installment 14
-- Me (OK, so I cheated. Blogger's privilege!)
Wakey wakey! The Wake seeks new contributors
No, we can't pay you. But ISW would be interested in hearing from interested parties willing to join the esteemed list of contributors (scroll down, look right). Poking around the blog should give you a good idea of what's expected from contributors, but the minimal requirements are:
- a decent amount of experience teaching this discipline we call philosophy
- a thoughtful and conscientious approach to said teaching
- the ability to write cogently and provocatively about teaching
- a desire to share your ideas about teaching with others and participate in a collaborative community
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The 21-fold path to expanding class participation
Monday, October 10, 2011
Class activities to illustrate theories of justice
I'm currently TAing for intro to moral and political philosophy and Rawls is only two or three weeks away. I was curious if you had any good class activities that put students in somewhat of an original position. I'm never done class activities, but I think one where they end up committing themselves to what Rawls says they would would be very helpful. I haven't thought too hard about it yet, but giving them random envelopes detailing their positions in society and various abilities--but not letting them open them until after they decide on how to distribute goods--would seem to be in the right direction. Any help would be appreciated.Anyone have any ideas here — not only about activities to motivate Rawls' theory of justice, but other theories as well? Harry of course has this classic exercise about justice and gender. Does anyone have other techniques to motivate theories of justice they could share?
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Op-Ed Response to Kathleen Parker
Kathleen Parker argues that colleges are failing to teach basic skills (critical/complex reasoning, writing and communication). I agree that that these skills are essential, and share her concern that college students are not learning those skills at an acceptable level. Parker's analysis of the problem (drawing on misleading studies by ACTA) is that schools lack quality general education curricula, and so should create them.
Parker is wrong - in many universities quality curricula already exist. She's also wrong to think of a curriculum as a conveyor belt that transports students through appropriate subjects until basic skills have been passively assembled. In fact, this passive understanding of education actually helps to create the very problem she is so worried about.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Let Us Not Shoot The Messenger
1) Not knowing how to study. They do not know how to read for comprehension, outline material, and/or take notes. They do not know how to study for exams, even if we give them review questions.
3) Having unrealistic expectations regarding what is expected of them at the college level. ‘My teachers did not expect much from me in HS so they will not in college.’ ‘I can get by with a minimum effort – a D equals a degree.’ ‘I could turn in work late and still get credit and if it was done poorly I could get a ‘do-over.’
4) Not knowing the basics of how to write a sentence/paragraph. Enough said about that elsewhere.
I tell my students that I spent thirty-five years in business and that the economic world is not a forgiving one. I did not start teaching until I was 40 and had twenty years ‘real-world’ experience under my belt. I have downsized organizations and been downsized. I have hired and fired people and been hired and fired myself. Been there, done that. I tell them that as their teacher, I am not their friend, their counselor, or their 'spiritual' adviser. My job is not to make them feel good about themselves (I may look like Santa Claus, but I am notJ. If they want a hug – get a teddy bear. If they want someone to love them – get a dog.) I tell them that my job is to challenge them to push themselves beyond their comfort level and to learn to think critically and to explore possibilities. I tell them that they may end up, at times, hating my guts, but that is OK – they will survive. My job is to help them to develop into people who can be successful at living and meeting the challenges outside the ‘safety’ of the academic world. Doing this constructively well result in them learning to value themselves without relying on others (peers and 'authorities') to give them a sense of self or purpose. Autonomy is the goal, but it should also be part of the journey.
But, starting this process in college is far to late. We need to start in grade school. What ever happened to 'philosophy for children?'
Thursday, September 29, 2011
According to him...according to her
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Some simple tips to improve student participation
- "Recognize that the norms that establish who speaks in a course are set early in the course and that the teacher plays an important role in setting these norms. Politely refuse to call on students who have already spoken two or three times. 'Thank you, but we need to hear from others.” Walk to a different part of the room and speak directly to those students. “I haven’t heard from any of you folks. Please share your thoughts.'"
- "Wait. Research is very clear: Teachers frequently overestimate how long they wait after asking a question before doing something else. Let there be silence. Students who are not as articulate or self-confident often need more time to frame an answer."
3."Use the three-hand rule and don’t call on anyone until there are three hands raised."
I'd be interested in hearing from others some successful ideas for improving student participation. Here are a few of my own:
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Quotable Teacher, installment 13
Their pupils and their little charges are not nourished and fed by what they learn: the learning is passed from hand to hand with only one end in view: to show it off, to put into our accounts to entertain others with it, as though it were merely counters, useful for totting up and producing statements, but having no other use or currency. ‘Apud alios loqui didicerunt, non ipsi secum’ [They have learned how to talk with others, not with themselves]
-- Michel de Montaigne
Revisiting in-class technology use policies
My policy statement from my syllabus is below the fold. You'll note it's not really a policy — more of a statement of principle and an indication of the issue's seriousness. Feedback welcome!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Evaluating student learning without student evaluations
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Quotable Teacher, installment 12
— Mark Edmundson
An Instant Classic?
Some tidbits I particularly liked:
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
'Interaction,' experts, and learners
Friday, September 2, 2011
Teaching in a gender imbalanced setting
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
CFP: AAPT workshop
The American Association of Philosophy Teachers
St. Edward’s University, Austin, Texas
July 25 - July 29, 2012
Proposals for interactive workshops and panels related to teaching and learning philosophy at any educational level are welcome. We especially encourage workshops and panels on the following topics:
The Quotable Teacher, installment 11
Monday, August 29, 2011
More skepticism about learning styles
Now it looks like skepticism about learning styles is accelerating. NPR reports on a study that draws a more dramatic conclusion:
Students' prior knowledge and the teaching of philosophy
I wanted to invite discussion about the first principle in the book, and specifically, how we who teach philosophy might make use of it: Students’ prior knowledge can help or hinder learning.
A great deal of research on learning indicates that students do not learn ex nihilo. Instead, learning necessarily builds on existing knowledge. As Ambrose et al emphasize, a student's prior knowledge will actually hinder learning if it's inaccurate or inaccessible, or if the student doesn't link the new content to her existing knowledge base:
Friday, August 26, 2011
A new direction for Teaching Philosophy
Let me share some tidbits with you about the journal:
Thursday, August 25, 2011
What are your goals? What will you do differently?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
CFP: SoTL at Pacific Division meeting
Friday, August 19, 2011
Discussion of grade inflation and the disengagement compact at New APPS
AAPT nominations for 2012-2014 Teaching Fellows
(Contact: Prof. David W. ConcepcÃon at
American Association Of Philosophy Teachers
The American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT) seeks devoted, excellent philosophy teachers to serve as 2012-2014 AAPT Teaching Fellows. Teaching Fellows will receive a small stipend ($500) and serve a two-year term August 15, 2012-August 14, 2014. Fellows will advance the teaching of philosophy. This may include mentoring newer teachers, blogging on the AAPT website, facilitating teaching and learning workshops, or other activities.
Initial Review
By Jan. 1, 2012 nominators should submit a short (no more than 500 word) letter of nomination discussing the candidate’s especially meritorious ability to enhance student learning and faculty peer teaching.
Detailed Review
If selected for further review a nominee shall provide by March 1, 2011:
(1) One reflective essay of no more than 2,000 words addressing these four questions:
(i) Describing your particular teaching context, what are your aspirations for your students/learning objectives?
(ii) How are your pedagogies (your structuring of both students' in- and out-of-class time), course content, assessment, and learning objectives aligned?
(iii) Citing evidence, what is the most significant student learning or lasting impact on students inspired by your teaching?
(iv) How and why might you change your classes in the future?
In answering these questions, please be explicit about the sources of the information (e.g. scholarship of teaching and learning, classroom practice, student feedback, etc.) that have influenced your pedagogical choices.
(2) At least four and no more than six letters of support. At least one letter must be from a former or current student. At least one letter must be from a philosophy colleague familiar with the applicant's classroom practice.
(3) While voluminous detail of minor matters will not be viewed favorably, additional supporting material may also be provided. Examples of such materials are:
- Brief course portfolio
- Teaching journal
- Evidence of student learning, with an accompanying explanation
- Student satisfaction ratings (aka course evaluations), with an accompanying explanation
- Samples of student work
- Video of class session(s)
- Course materials, particularly assignment guidelines and assessment rubrics
- A brief CV focused on teaching and learning
Thursday, August 18, 2011
What are you teaching this Fall?
What are you teaching this Fall? What are your course loads? Do you have a link to a course website or course material you'd like to share?
This Fall I'm teaching:
Exploration and Discovery. (LC's first year core program course) capped at 19. My section is titled "Wisdom and Folly." We read White Noise by Don Delillo, portions of the Hebrew Bible, Matthew from the New Testament, the trial and death of Socrates dialogues, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Freud's Civilization and its Discontents and the graphic novel Watchmen.
Early Modern Philosophy. This is a 300 level course capped at 35 (17 enrolled). It's so impossible to put two centuries of philosophy into a single semester. I have to leave out so much. Instead I focus on teaching students how to do the history of philosophy by focusing on fewer figures for longer stretches of time. My focus in this class is mainly on mind and metaphysics.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Word limits, or concision vs. precision
Epting, a psychologist, notes that students who write concisely — tersely, compactly — don't always write precisely — exactly, unambiguously. Epting offers this anecdote:
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I'll teach, you grade?
Monday, August 1, 2011
The potential of humble ol' e-mail to improve student writing
As James sees it, e-mail feedback is the antidote to many of the practices typically associated with teaching writing, practices that do little to provide students the feedback-intensive practice they need in order to improve:
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Quotable Teacher, installment 10
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Sharing paper assignment rubrics
I am a philosophy professor and have long followed and profited from In Socrates Wake - thanks for sharing your wisdom! I use rubrics for paper assignments; I've found them very useful - both pedagogically, and for grading - and I am constantly tweaking them from semester to semester. I wonder what other peoples' rubrics look like - it would be nice to have a collection of them with comments from their creators about what they like and don't like about them.Certainly- grading rubrics are a great topic. The writer sent along this rubric to get the discussion going. Please share the rubrics you use, and let's hear feedback about the merits of different rubrics. Thanks!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis's Experience with Plagiarism
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Dealing with students that test your patience
Shall we challenge false beliefs with facts?
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Value of the Delivery
First, my thought. I know of some professors who play loud music right before class to get themselves pumped up and ready for "the show". I am not the kind of professor or speaker who puts on a show for the class or audience. One reason for this is that this is simply not my personality. When we try to be something we are not, the lack of authenticity may be apparent and serve to hinder good teaching. At least this is so in my own case. Another reason I don't try to put on a show is that I think the centerpiece of the classroom should be the ideas we are discussing, rather than the professor or the students. I still try to deliver my material with clarity, and to avoid being boring as a speaker, but I'm not a coach on Friday night getting his players pumped up, and I don't try to be.
Now, for my questions:
1. What constitutes a good delivery, and how can we develop this skill as philosophy teachers?
2. Is there a set of speaking virtues that the ideal philosophy professor instantiates, apart from clarity?
Friday, July 15, 2011
The Quotable Teacher, installment 9
Few teachers effectively prepare students to learn on their own. Students are seldom given choices regarding academic tasks to pursue, methods for carrying out complex assignments or study partners. Few teachers encourage students to establish specific goals for their academic work or teach explicit study strategies. Also, students are rarely asked to self-evaluate their work or estimate their competence on new tasks.— Barry Zimmerman, "Becoming a self-regulated learner: An overview." Theory Into Practice, 41 (2), 64-70
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Multitasking as an ethical problem
Friday, July 8, 2011
Responding to knee jerk student skepticism in ethics courses
I am entering my second year in a 'Leiterific' program and as a second year I will be teaching my first section in an intro to ethics course. Since I have no background in teaching I am a bit anxious about it. One source of my anxiety is the specter of student moral skepticism! I worry that until I'm pedagogically acclimated that the first few weeks of teaching might be prone to derailment from such conversation stoppers as "Well, that might be true for you..." and "Nothing matters." I was wondering whether you might consider soliciting ISW readers for advice on how to effectively address relativist, subjectivist, and nihilist student comments. I stress 'effectively' because while I've received tips regarding general strategies, I'm more interested in hearing about what kind of arguments philosophers 'on the ground', as it were, often employ successfully. As a new teacher, it will take some time to distinguish arguments that I and my colleagues find convincing from those that 18 year olds will. My skill in conversational philosophy are still very much in development, and I don't want to lose my students as they wait for me to get my chops.Any tips on how to answer the student skeptics?
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Quotable Teacher, installment 8
'Education' is not a concept that marks out any particular type of process such as training, or activity such as lecturing; rather it suggests criteria to which processes such as training must conform. One of these is that something of value must be passed on. Thus we may be educating someone while we are training him; but we need not be. For we may be training him in the art of torture. The demand, however, that there should be something of value in what is being transmitted cannot be construed as meaning that education itself should lead on to or produce something of value. This is like saying that ... reform must lead up to a man being better. The point is that making a man better is not extrinsic to reform; it is a criterion which anything must satisfy which is to be called 'reform'. People thus think that education must be for the sake of something extrinsic that is worthwhile, where as the truth is that being worthwhile is part of what is mean by calling it 'education'.R.S. Peters, "Education as initiation" (1965)
Note taking in discussion
An observation: Many students, once 'discussion' starts, stop taking notes. Their approach to note taking is informational — not analytic. That might work in other disciplines, but in philosophy, where one of our goals is for students to engage in critical inquiry, not taking notes during discussion amounts to not creating a record of the most substantial part of the learning experience.
But here's a description of a study that suggests the problem may be that students are not 'cued up' to take quality notes in response to discussion:
Monday, July 4, 2011
giving students audio feedback
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
What students think makes for effective teaching
Comments invited. Are the students right? Are these the traits that make for effective teaching? Are any ranked too high? Too low? Any traits missing?
- Respectful
- Knowledgeable
- Approachable
- Engaging
- Communicative
- Organized
- Responsive
- Professional
- Humorous
Philosophy of Sexuality
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A great resource on test composition and design
The perils of being maverick-y
But one of the perennial challenges of teaching in a conscientious and open-minded way is that students come to us with very fixed expectations about what college (or high school) are about, what learning is, and what the roles of instructor and student are supposed to be. And these expectations can be very tough to dislodge.
I was reminded of this by Maryellen Weimer's post about a sociology instructor who tried some unorthodox methods that students resisted. The methods themselves are only a little outside the box, but certainly not unheard of. The general idea was to have the course be more student directed,“a classroom environment focused on knowledge creation rather than the transmission of information where students felt part of an intellectual community that balanced support and control."
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
In praise of in-class writing
On the whole, I'm pleased with this strategy and wonder why I've not often observed in-class writing used in college or university classrooms. My guess is that it seems too baby-ish, a bit like high school math class with students sitting quietly solving equations. But I see a lot of advantages to in-class writing, and I'd be interested to know how others use in-class writing and why.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
10-minute puzzle podcasts
Monday, June 6, 2011
Can't get enough 'Not for Profit'?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Liberal arts and the narrowness of 'business education'
...with large student-faculty ratios and no lab equipment, business has historically been cheaper to operate than most departments. Cynics say many colleges are content. “At the big public universities, the administrations need us to be credible, but I’m not sure that they need us to be very good,” says J. David Hunger, a scholar-in-residence in the management program at the College of St. Benedict and St. John’s University, in Collegeville, Minn. “They need us to be cash cows.”And lastly, as our Academically Adrift series highlighted, academic rigor is a definite issue. This graphic says it all.
that a more concerted focus on teaching students a set of modes of thinking commonly associated with a liberal arts education – analytical thinking, exploration of issues from different perspectives, reflective exploration of meaning, and practical reasoning -- can greatly improve business education.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Defining 'Philosophy'
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Putting the brakes on extra credit
With a few weeks left in the term, I'm getting lots of requests from students for extra credit assignments. Typically, this is motivated either by their having done poorly on previous tests and assignments, or in some cases, not having done them at all. Students are hoping I'll provide an assignment or task to help them augment their grades in my courses.
I have a simple policy concerning such requests: No (for reasons outlined below the break).
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Quotable Teacher, installment 7
'Faculty Focus' blog
- Teachers as Guides
- Defining Active Learning
- Giving Students More Effective Feedback
- Questions Around Student Study Habits, and What Constitutes Studying
- Sink or Skim Approaches to Student Reading
- Teaching Large Introductory Survey Courses
Anyway, there's a wealth of valuable material there, so do check it out!