Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just stamp it out

A lot of student work is bad philosophy. Some of it's not philosophy at all. That's where this device comes in handy!

What other time-saving stamps should we instructors have in our desks?


  1. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

  2. "Didn't I flag this last time?"

  3. I had a graduate professor who was known for writing "ZOINKS!" on the side, which to him meant the philosophical version of "WTF?"

    Either of those would do.

  4. Which noun or noun phrase does this pronoun refer to?

  5. "Didn't you just say the opposite of this?"
    "Why not spell the philosopher's name the way I wrote it in the question?"

  6. Thinking of Adam's suggestion, I'm wondering if everyone would agree that two widely required stamps might be necessary:

    "It's LOCKE, not LOCK"


    "It's MILL not MILLS"


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