Sunday, March 6, 2011

Socrates gets a makeover

So as you can no doubt tell, we have a new design here at ISW. It's been a collaboration, but Adam very kindly took the lead. We humanized ol' Socrates, with a more expressive rendering. Readers, let us know your thoughts!


  1. Looks so much better now!

    Thanks, Adam.

  2. This looks great Adam! I'm inspired to rearrange some furniture here at home...nothing like a face lift, so to speak.

  3. I've already commented, but I've got to say it again -- this looks incredibly better. The white background is SUCH a relief. It's an actual pleasure to read now. Before it was, to be honest, a chore given the old color schemes. It's also so much more inviting now (and up to date).

    Thanks Adam, you rock.

  4. Thanks everyone. It was a labor of love, thanks to the much improved Blogger template design tools and the input from all of you.

  5. Great job on the new layout. The new label for the "Recent Comments" block sets the bar a little high, though....


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